Best Quality Products
Proven Durability & Quality
Durability & Quality is a pre-requisite for all products and solutions sold by Ningbo Changqi and we put a big focus on the Healthcare, Facility Care, and Hospitality market segments.
Hospital, Medical, Clinic....
School, Factory, Office....
Hotel, Restaurant, Food....
Mall, Airport, Market....
Best Selling Products

Automatic Sanitizer Dispenser
Big capacity automatic hand soap & sanitiser dispenser ASR5-6X
About Us

Supplier for global top 500 companies.

One-Stop Solution
Complete range of washroom hygiene products, meet different needs of customers.

Strict quality control system, certified by ISO9001:2015.

One of the first Chinese manufacturers to enter the bathroom industry.

Numbers Speak For Themselves!
Facilities Installation Scene

What's New

Why Choose Touchless Sanitiser Dispenser?
Touch-free operation: hygienic and convenient When it comes to hand care, even small moments make a big impact, whatever your industry & wherever you’re.

What’s The Difference of Automatic Soap Dispenser & Sanitiser Dispenser?
Automatic soap dispensers and automatic hand sanitizer dispensers are designed to dispense soap or hand sanitizer automatically, without the need for manual pumping or pouring.

Global Hand Hygiene Compliance
Obtain from WHO, the global hand hygiene compliance varied widely across regions and countries, and the WHO has set a global target of achieving at least 60% hand hygiene compliance in healthcare facilities
Get In Touch With Us!
+ 86 574 56202601
No. 727, Jinshan Road, Jiangbei Investment Pioneering Industrial Park, Jiangbei District, Ningbo, China.