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Global hand hygiene compliance

Obtain from WHO, the global hand hygiene compliance varied widely across regions and countries, and there were limited data available on hand hygiene compliance in some areas.

The WHO has set a global target of achieving at least 60% hand hygiene compliance in healthcare facilities, but studies suggest that compliance rates vary widely by country and region, with rates as low as 5-10% reported in some areas.

In many low- and middle-income countries, there are significant challenges to achieving good hand hygiene compliance, including a lack of resources, poor infrastructure, and limited access to water and sanitation facilities. In addition, cultural beliefs and attitudes may also play a role in non-compliance.

In high-income countries, hand hygiene compliance rates tend to be higher, but there is still room for improvement. Studies have shown that healthcare workers may not always follow recommended hand hygiene practices, and there is a need for continued education and training to improve compliance.

Overall, improving hand hygiene compliance remains an important public health priority, and efforts to promote and support good hand hygiene practices should continue to be a priority worldwide. 

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